


Would You Like To:

1/ Validate Your Thinking?

2/ Improve Business Outcomes?

3/ Better Convince Your Board?


  1. Hold a mirror up to your business

  2. Deliver a 'Confidential Commercial Intervention'

  3. Provide a bespoke, short-term couture service

  4. Improve outcomes 

We do NOT

  • Send in teams

  • Drag out the mandate

  • Seek credit, nor add to your workload

Hi, I'm Jenny - a former CEO of an Int’l Investment Bank with over 35 years of commercial Financial Services experience. 

I’m a passionate advocate of technology enabled transformation and digital (crypto) assets blockchain. 

I have substantial experience as Chair of Board and Chair of various Board sub-committees including Audit, Risk, Renumeration and Technology.

 I currently serve as a Non-Executive Director for a number of organisations as well as being a special advisor to many businesses, CEOs and Chairs.

As founder of FinTech Strategic Advisors, I inspire Clients with their FinTech investment and adoption strategies and support start-ups to achieve scale and commercial success. 

Our Confidential Commercial Interventions service is short-term with long-term impactful outcomes …

The following are case studies of where a CEO or Chair has asked us to assist them with a SHORT-TERM  'Confidential Commercial Intervention'.

1. Business underperforming in terms of revenue. The CEO needed help to soundboard their plan and pre-validate their proposal before sharing more widely.

2. Chair was losing confidence and needed to convince executive management that they could GROW PnL faster by slimming down their product set and focusing on what their clients actually need.

3. CEO overwhelmed as to the future-technology-proofing of their business.

4.  CEO thought the executive team were just doing too much and the company had lost it’s USP.

We helped them successfully resolve all of the above, quietly and quickly.

What I’m thinking about

….are NFTS are the future of financial assets?
….why is doing less so hard to convince others to follow a strategy
….does Ai radically disrupt the business model of all people service based consultancies